String.Equals with OrdinalIgnoreCase compared to ToLower / ToUpper for string insensitive comparisons in C#

In C#, when checking if strings are equal in a case insensitive way prefer string.Equals with OrdinalIgnoreCase over using ToLower() / ToUpper().


Using ToUpper or ToLower can lead to incorrect results in certain cultures and languages. Not all languages follow the simple upper-to-lowercase mapping that English does. For example, in Turkish, the lowercase of the uppercase letter “I” is “ı” (dotless i), not “i”.

Using string.Equals makes it clear that you’re performing a comparison. Methods like ToUpper or ToLower don’t obviously imply a comparison, so it can make your code harder to understand.

The string.Equals method is generally more efficient because it doesn’t need to create a new string instance as ToUpper or ToLower would. This can make a big difference when you’re comparing large strings or performing the operation many times.

Here’s some benchmarks I took on .NET 8 with BenchmarkDotNet which compare two simple strings ⬇ …

I’ve included string Compare in the benchmarks above just for comparative purposes but this is more suited to sorting strings so will be slower than string.Equals.

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